Explore Rotterdam and The Hague in XPlane11 with EHRD v4.1 RePack: A Scenery Package that Enhances Rotterdam The Hague Airport with Custom Objects, Textures, Lights, and More
the geometry in the file is expressed in a form that is in the wgs84 coordinate system. and is inherently n/s oriented, which means that the areas in the file that are to the north are on the right side of the image, and the areas on the south are on the left side of the image.
there are plenty of wgs84 grids in the xplane format. and they are very dense. but the xplane format is easy to use and doesn't contain any data that does not apply to the areas on top of the terrain. it doesn't even contain any data that is inside of the terrain.
xplane 11 scenery packed into a 2.2 mb zip archive that can be easily extracted and applied as is. it includes the following three scenery layers from the city of rotterdam (den haag) in the netherlands: rotterdam airline terminal airport (file: airplane.3db ) file type: dcs.3db file (requires simbris/zeroflight or compatible) scenery description: rotterdam airline terminal airport country: netherlands, rotterdam (icao: ehrd)
hague airport (file: airplane.3db file (requires simbris/zeroflight or compatible) scenery description: hague airport country: netherlands, the hague (icao: ehrd)
rotterdam gae airport (file: airplane.3db file (requires simbris/zeroflight or compatible) scenery description: rotterdam gae airport country: netherlands, rotterdam (icao: ehrd)
%windir%\system32\7za.exe a -tzip -mx9 "rotterdam airline terminal airport.zip" %windir%\system32\7za.exe x "rotterdam airline terminal airport.zip" "rotterdam airline terminal airport.zip.arc" %windir%\system32\7za.exe x -yrotterdamairlineterminalairport_icaoehrdv41repack\rotterdamairlineterminalairport-icaoehrdv41repack.zip rotterdamairlineterminalairport.zip to easily extract the 3 scenery layers, use file explorer to navigate to the following folder location: